Ahh, summertime! Good memories from years gone by barely temper the fear I now have of hearing that dreaded two-word complaint...."I'm BORED!" Not a fun thing to have to work around if your summer weather averages in the 110-118 degree range. Sending them outside to play only stirs up new fears....pavement burns, sunburn, heatstroke, hose wars, and EXTREMELY HIGH WATER BILLS. Yikes! It's gonna be a long summer......when does school start again?
Well, I haven't updated about Jayson's basketball tourney and Brittany's play yet, and I'm sorry about that. Finishing up school, adjusting my work schedule and getting into a new summer groove has taken up a bit more time than I expected it to.
Jayson has been busy practicing for the Utah Summer Games tournament that he will be playing in on June 15th through 17th in Cedar City, Utah. There are 4 games in those 3 days, with the medal round on the 17th. He and I will be living in a hotel there in Cedar City for those three days. He is so excited! There are 8 team members, and he is the youngest by more than a year. I believe he was chosen in part because of his success in the Elk's Hoop Shoot this past year. It will be a good experience for him.

Tom and Brittany will be staying in town while he does this, as Brittany auditioned for The Jungle Book and won the part of Ka the snake. Actually, she is only a part of Ka, as he (she, in this case) will be played by 4 young thespians all linked together. At least she gets to play the head (MUCH better than the tail, she says=-), and she will have a singing solo, which she does really well. So she will be rehearsing, and Tom, of course, has to work to pay for all of the ways the three of us are thinking up to spend his paycheck. LOL
Well, that about covers it. Please remember to keep my sister Brandi in your prayers as she continues with the chemo. It's been rough so far, and she still has about 17 months left on the treament plan. All is going well, but, as you can imagine, it is physically and emotionally draining. Also keep her husband, Randy in your prayers....it is so hard on him to watch her go through all of this. You can check out her blog at http://lymphoblaster.blogspot.com/. Thanks, and God continue to bless you and keep you ALL!
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